With this reference, you will learn how to use easily Microsoft Excel 2016, all keyboard shortcuts that you need to work as a professional.
Free training document in pdf designated to beginners.
Table of Excel 2016 Shortcuts
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Downloads: | 1153 |
Created: | 2017-09-24 |
Microsoft Excel 2016 Course for Beginners
Excel 2016 Math with Dates and Times
Quick guide to Microsoft Excel 2016
This course is not intended to serve as a beginner's tutorial on Excel. Those who are new to Excel and who need a tutorial should work through abook or a CD, or take an online course....
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Excel 2016 Math with Dates and TimesWith this tutorial, you will learn a lot of shortcuts and custom formatting options about Dates and Times in Excel 2016. Training documents courses on 17 pages for beginners....
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