Microsoft Word 2013

Download courses Microsoft Word 2013 in PDF ,a free training document under 15 pages for beginners.

Table of contents

  • Getting Started
  • Opening Microsoft Word
  • Saving the Document
  • Saving Initially
  • Saving Later
  • Toolbars and Tabs
  • Formatting The Document
  • Formatting Paragraphs
  • Cut, Copy, And Paste
  • Formatting Text
  • Numbered And Bulleted Lists
  • Headers And Footers
  • Inserting and Adding Objects
  • Inserting From A Previously Created File
  • Creating A Table on Word 2013
  • Printing
  • Other Helpful Functions
  • Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Office 2013
Size : 904.75 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 4721
Created: 2015-11-23

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