Excel Data Analysis, 2nd Edition

This book offers a comprehensive and readable introduction to modern business and data analytics. It is based on the use of Excel, a tool that virtually all students and professionals have access to. The explanations are focused on understanding the techniques and their proper application, and are supplemented by a wealth of in-chapter and end-of-chapter exercises. In addition to the general statistical methods, the book also includes Monte Carlo simulation and optimization. The second edition has been thoroughly revised: new topics, exercises and examples have been added, and the readability has been further improved. The book is primarily intended for students in business, economics and government, as well as professionals, who need a more rigorous introduction to business and data analytics - yet also need to learn the topic quickly and without overly academic explanations.
Download free tutorial in PDF (358 pages) created by Hector Guerrero .
Pages : 358
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 326
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Hector Guerrero
Excel Data Analysis, 2nd Edition

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