Quick guide to Microsoft Excel 2016

Table of contents

  • The Excel 2016 screen
  • The fundamentals
  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Formulas and Functions
  • To total a cell range
  • To enter a formula
  • To insert a function
  • To reference a cell in a function
  • To use several operators or cell ranges
  • Workbook management
  • To insert a new worksheet
  • To delete a worksheet
  • To spleet a window
  • To freeze panes
  • To select a print area
  • To adjust page margins, orientation, size, and breaks
  • Charts
  • To create a chart
  • To insert a sparkline
Size : 988.51 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1502
Created: 2017-09-24
Quick guide to Microsoft Excel 2016

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