Excel Fundamentals


  • Understanding Workbooks
  • Navigating in a File
  • Typing Text or Numbers Into A Worksheet
  • Typing Simple Formulas In A Worksheet
  • Filling A Series.
  • Inserting And Deleting Worksheets
  • Copying A Worksheet
  • Renaming A Worksheet
  • Moving or Copying A Sheet To Another Workbook
  • Changing Worksheet Tab Colours
  • Grouping Worksheets
  • Freezing Rows And Columns
  • Selecting Ranges
  • Selecting Rows
  • Selecting Columns
  • Understanding Formatting
  • Applying General Formatting
  • Changing Fonts
  • Changing Font Size 
  • Understanding Borders
  • Applying A Border To A Range 
  • Wrapping And Merging Text
  • Understanding Functions
  • Using The SUM Function To Add
  • Calculating An Average
  • Finding A Minimum Value
  • Common Error Messages
  • Understanding Quick Analysis
  • Quick Formatting
  • Quick Charting 
  • Quick Totals
  • Quick Sparklines
  • Quick Tables
  • Practice Exercise 
  • Printing A Worksheet
Size : 7199.48 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 604
Created: 2020-08-24
Excel Fundamentals

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