Microsoft Excel 2013 course

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 file under 505 pages,step by step to learn Excel and build your skills , course tutorial training on pdf by Curtis D. Frye.

Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Getting started with Excel 2013
  • Identifying the different Excel 2013 programs
  • Customizing the Excel 2013 program window
  • Creating workbooks
  • Modifying workbooks
  • Modifying worksheets
  • Working with data and Excel tables
  • Performing calculations on data
  • Using array formulas
  • Changing workbook appearance
  • Focusing on specific data by using filters
  • Reordering and summarizing data
  • Combining data from multiple sources
  • Analyzing data and alternative data sets
  • Creating charts and graphics
  • Using PivotTables and PivotCharts
  • Printing worksheets and charts
  • Printing worksheets
  • Printing parts of worksheets
  • Working with macros and forms
  • Working with other Office programs
  • Collaborating with colleagues
Size : 11,924.93 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 6825
Created: 2015-11-16
Microsoft Excel 2013 course

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