Microsoft Excel 2013 for beginner

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Tutorial course material, tutorial training, PDF file on 25 pages.

Table of contents

  • File menu
  • Ribbon Home
  • Ribbon insertion
  • Ribbon layout
  • Ribbon formulas
  • Display ribbon
  • Tape data
  • Tape review
  • Deepening the spreadsheet
  • Displaying Data
  • Basic Operations
  • Saving the File
  • Opening new File
  • Creation of new sheet
  • VBA in Excel 2013
  • Tables and Graphs Formatting
  • Evaluation Checklist
  • Quick Excel Summary
  • Fitting Linear Models to Data: Regression
  • Mathematical operations
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 : Column and row
  • Plotting the Regression Results
  • Frequency Distributions and Importing Data
  • Column Charts of Frequency Distributions
  • Sorting Data
  • Importing Data from an ASCII File
  • Summary of Statistical Analysis
  • Graphical Analysis
  • Important Tips and Tricks for your Reports and Analysis
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 : Tables and Pictures
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 : Borders
  • Calling Variables in Excel and Managing Them
  • Selecting and formatting data
Size : 977.20 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 2363
Created: 2016-04-06

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