How to Use Microsoft® Excel®

How to Use Microsoft® Excel® The Careers in Practice Series is an textbook appropriate for a course covering Microsoft Excel at a beginner to intermediate level. It is geared toward and will be accommodating for students and instructors with little to no experience in using Microsoft Excel. However, the approach is not at the expense of relevance.

This book approaches Excel from the perspective of making personal and professional quantitative decisions. Personal decisions include big purchases such as homes and automobiles, savings for retirement, and personal budgets. Professional decisions include budgets for managing expenses, merchandise items to markdown or discontinue, and inventory management.

Pages : N/A
Size : HTML, zipped HTML, and PDF (439 pages)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 509
Created: 2020-08-29
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
How to Use Microsoft® Excel®

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