Guide Excel 2010

A little guide in PDF,it will clarify the new basics features added to Microsoft Excel 2010 ,free training tutorial under 24 pages.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Printing
  • Copying and Pasting
  • Protected View
  • Sparklines
  • The quick access toolbar
  • Customising ribbon
  • Worksheets
  • Locating the active Cell
  • Selecting multiple Cells
  • Moving data
  • Creating a basic spreadsheet
  • Editing exisiting data
  • Saving your document
  • Applying a background color
  • Getting help in Excel
Size : 1,279.21 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1215
Created: 2015-11-26
Guide Excel 2010

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