The Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Excel

This is a free Excel PDF tutorial in 11 chapters and 23 pages. This course aims to give students the basics of Microsoft Excel tips and trics.

Table of contents

  • General Uses for Excel
  • Select an Entire Column or Row
  • Select a Group of Columns, Rows, or Cells
  • Insert or Delete a Column, Row, or Cell
  • Move a Column, Row, or Cell
  • Adjusting the Size of a Column or Row
  • Adjusting the Size to Fit Your Data
  • Fonts, Shading, and Colors
  • Dates, Currency, and Decimals
  • Additional Number Formats
  • Built-In Excel Templates
  • Third-Party Excel Templates
Size : 2.08 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1076
Created: 2019-05-01

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