PHP5 web programming

This PDF tutorial shows how to program a dynamic web site using PHP5 ,free training lesson under 24 pages designated to the beginners.

Table of contents

  • PHP as an Acronym
  • Why the Name Matters
  • Lexical Substitution
  • Conditions and File Includes
  • How PHP Works
  • Why do we care?
  • HTML Syntax: Block Items
  • HTML Syntax: Tables
  • HTML Syntax: Forms
  • Basic PHP Syntax
  • Obfuscated PHP Code
  • Arrays in PHP
  • What are $_POST and $_GET
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Functions in PHP
  • That is Basic PHP!
  • Numeric arrays
  • Associative arrays
Size : 803.83 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1375
Created: 2015-12-30

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