Introduction to AngularJS

This training will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the internal mechanisms of AngularJS.

You will learn how to organize your developments from testing to optimizing applications While implementing good practices. You will also develop business components Customized.

Free tutorial computer about Framework AngularJS, training document in PDF under 26 pages intended to beginners.

Table of content

  • AngularJS Introduction
  • Angular Concepts and Terminology
  • Template
  • Directive
  • Scope
  • Compiler
  • Data Binding
  • Dependency
  • Injection Module
  • Service
  • Angular Example
  • Angular Bootstrap
  • Angular Compiler Output
  • Two-way binding
  • angular.module
  • Controllers
  • Templates, Scopes & Controllers
  • Scope inheritance
  • Scope digest and watches
  • Example of needing scope $watch
  • A digression: camelCase vs dash-case
  • ngRepeat - Directive for looping in templates
  • ngIf/ngShow - Conditional inclusion in DOM
  • ngClick/ngModel - Binding user input to scope
  • ngHref & ngSrc
  • compile external HTML fragment
  • Directives are heavily used in Angular
  • Services
  • Dependency injection
  • Angular APIs
  • Some thoughts on JavaScript Frameworks
Size : 149.93 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1046
Created: 2017-03-08

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