What is SharePoint ?

This tutorial provides an overview about Sharepoint software, download free training courses under 31 pages

Table of contents

  • The Reality of Information Management 
  • Presentation Objectives
  • Promote better collaboration
  • Improve reporting
  • Automate business processes
  • Why SharePoint?
  • SharePoint Can Empower Your Organization
  • How to Successfully Leverage SharePoint
  • Questions and Answers
  • What if SharePoint is a Car?
  • SharePoint Geek Vagen
  • WSS vs MOSS
  • SharePoint as an Organizational Platform
  • Agenda
  • Easily Create a Collaborative Site
  • Efficiently Manage Information
  • Demonstration
  • Creating a SharePoint Site
  • Facilitate Team Collaboration
  • Document Collaboration
  • Tools
  • Enhance Communication
  • Automate Business Processes
  • Generate Relevant Reports
  • Integrate with Existing LOB Systems
  • SharePoint Implementation Continuum
  • Analyze SharePoint Priorities
  • Establish SharePoint Governance
Size : 2,699.56 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 213
Created: 2017-09-24

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