Blender Basics: A Classroom Tutorial Book

This book is a definitive resource for getting started with 3D art in Blender, one of the most popular 3D/Animation tools on the market . With the expert insight and experience of Roland Hess, noted Blender expert and author, animators and artists will learn the basics starting with the revised 2.6 interface, modeling tools, sculpting, lighting and materials through rendering, compositing and video editing. Some of the new features covered include the completely re-thought interface, the character animation and keying system, and the smoke simulator.

More than just a tutorial guide, this book covers the philosophy behind this ingenious software that so many 3D artists are turning to today. Start working today with Blender with the accompanying web site which includes all of the projects and support files alongside videos, step-by-step screenshots of the trickier tutorials, as well as a direct links to official resources like the Blender download site and artist forums.

Size : PDF
File type : pdf
Downloads: 46
Created: 2020-08-28
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Author(s): James Chronister
Blender Basics: A Classroom Tutorial Book

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