HTML5 and responsive Web design

With this tutorial you will learn the secrets of HTML5 and responsive websites capable of interfacing with mobile devices as tablet or smartphone ,free PDF courses by Benjamin LaGrone .

Table of contents

  • Responsive Elements and Media
  • Resizing an image using media queries
  • Responsive Typography
  • Making a text shadow with canvas
  • Making an inner and outer shadow with canvas
  • Rotating your text with canvas
  • Responsive Layout
  • Creating a responsive width layout with media queries
  • Changing image sizes with media queries
  • Hiding an element with media queries
  • Using Responsive Frameworks
  • Making Mobile-first Web Applications
  • Adding a second page in jQuery Mobile
  • Making a list element in jQuery Mobile
  • Adding a mobile, native-looking button with jQuery Mobile
Size : 6,295.75 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 7024
Created: 2015-11-20

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