The React Beginner's Handbook

Download free course The React Beginner's Handbook, pdf file on 40 pages by Flavio Copes.
The React Beginner's Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview.

This book does not try to cover everything under the sun related to React. It focuses on the core of the language, trying to simplify the more complex topics. The author hopes the contents of this book will help you achieve what you want: learn the basics of React.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to React
  • How much JavaScript you need to know to use React?
  • Why should you learn React?
  • How to install React
  • React Components
  • Introduction to JSX
  • Using JSX to compose UI
  • The difference between JSX and HTML
  • Embedding JavaScript in JSX
  • Managing state in React
  • Component Props in React
  • Data flow in a React application
  • Handling user events in React
  • Lifecycle events in a React component
  • Where to go from here
Pages : 40
Size : 1.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 598
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Flavio Copes
The React Beginner's Handbook

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