React Succinctly

Download free course React Succinctly, pdf file on 119 pages by Samer Buna.
React is one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries in use today, providing a simple approach to creating stateful UI components that can be combined to create a complete web app. In React Succinctly by Samer Buna, you'll learn the fundamental concepts of the React library, how the library fits in with modern JavaScript, and how to apply what you learn to create a simple interactive memory game. Buna also provides an interactive, web-based React playground for following along with the book's code examples and exploring React features on your own.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • React: The Big Picture
  • React and Modern JavaScript
  • React's Fundamental Concepts
  • Let's Build a Game
  • What's Next
Pages : 119
Size : 2.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 159
Created: 2022-02-03
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Samer Buna
React Succinctly

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