Getting started with React

This tutorial teaches you how to program with React, a complete PDF document on 139 pages created by StackOverFlow.

React.js has become an essential reference for the development of rich user experiences in the web browser, including on mobile.

This course aims to give a solid foundation to React.js by exploring all of its concepts and possibilities, to then facilitate the exploration of the vast ecosystem that revolves around.

Table of contents

  • Getting started with React
  • Installation or configuration
  • Hello World component
  • What is ReactJS?
  • Hello everyone with stateless functions
  • Create a React App
  • Absolute basics of creating reusable components
  • Components and accessories
  • Keys in reaction
  • Using the table index
  • How to set up a basic web environment, react and babel
  • How to build a pipeline for a personalized "Hello world" with images
  • Parent to child components
  • Nesting components
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Higher order components
  • Simple component of higher order
  • Higher order component that verifies authentication
  • Stateless functional components
  • componentDidMount () (ES5 and ES6)
  • componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState)
  • compilerOptions.jsx
  • compilerOptions.allowSyntheticDefaultImports
  • Declare default accessories and propTypes
  • React.createClass
  • React.Component
  • React to routing
  • Use Flow to check the types of prop
  • Installation and configuration
  • Stateless and non-property components
  • Use ReactJS in Flux way
Size : 1363.214 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 907
Created: 2019-04-27

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