Advanced javascript

This book is not about JavaScript design patterns or implementing an object-oriented paradigm with JavaScript code. It was not written to distinguish the good features of the JavaScript language from the bad. It is not meant to be a complete reference guide. It is not targeted at people new to programming or those completely new to JavaScript. Nor is this a cookbook of JavaScript recipes. Those books have been written.

Table of contents

  • Introduction 
  • Why JavaScript
  • More code, less words 
  • Color-coding Conventions 
  • JavaScript Objects 
  • Creating objects 
  • JavaScript constructors construct and return object instances 
  • The JavaScript native/built-in object constructors 
  • Instantiating constructors using the new operator 
  • The primitive values null, undefined, 'string', , true, and false are not objects 
  • How primitive values are stored/copied in JavaScript 
  • Primitive values are equal by value 
  • The string, number, and boolean primitive values act like objects when used like objects 
  • Complex (aka composite) values 
  • How complex values are stored/copied in JavaScript 
  • Complex objects are equal by reference 
  • Complex objects have dynamic properties 
  • The typeof operator used on primitive and complex values 
  • Dynamic Properties allow for mutable objects 
  • All constructor instances have constructor properties that point to their constructor function 
  • Verify that an object is an instance of a particular constructor function 
  • An instance created from a constructor can have its own independent properties (aka instance properties) 
  • The semantics between 'JavaScript objects' vs 'Object() objects' 
  • Chapter - Working with Objects and Properties 
  • Complex objects can contain most of the JavaScript values as properties 
  • Encapsulating complex objects in a programmatically beneficial way 
  • Getting/setting/updating an object's properties using dot notation or bracket notation 
  • Deleting object properties 
  • How references to object properties are resolved 
  • Using has Own Property, verify that an object property is not from the prototype chain 
  • Checking if an object contains a given property using the in operator 
  • Enumerate (loop over) an object’s properties using the for in loop 
  • Host objects vs native objects 
  • Chapter - Object() 
  • Conceptual overview of using Object() objects 
  • Chapter - Function() 
  • Conceptual overview of using Function() objects 
  • Function() parameters 
  • Function() properties and methods 
  • Function object instance properties and methods 
  • Functions always return a value 
  • Functions are first-class citizens (not just syntax, but values) 
  • Passing parameters to a function 
  • The argument scallee property 
  • Redefining function parameters 
  • Anonymous functions 
  • Self-invoking function expression 
  • Self-invoking anonymous function statements 
  • Functions can be nested 
  • Invoking function statements before they are defined (aka function hoisting) 
  • A function can call itself (aka recursion) 
  • Conceptual overview of the prototype chain 
  • Why care about the prototype property? 
  • Prototype is standard on all Function() instances 
  • The default prototype property is an Object() object 
  • Last stop in the prototype chain is Object prototype 
  • The prototype chain returns the first property match it finds in the chain 
Size : 1,568.05 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 6160
Created: 2017-09-09

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