Mastering JavaScript High Performance

Studying JavaScript performance in depth will make you capable of tackling the complex and important tasks required to solve performance issues. In this book, you'll learn when and why to use an IDE over a common text editor. Packed with examples, you'll also learn how to create a build system to test and deploy your JavaScript project by optimizing the code. Next, you will move on to learn about DOM optimization, JavaScript promises, and web workers to better break up your large codebase. You will also learn about JavaScript performance on mobile platforms such as iOS and Android and how to deploy your JavaScript project to a device. Finally, by the end of the book, you'll be able to pinpoint JavaScript performance problems using appropriate tools, provide optimization techniques, and provide tools to develop fast applications with JavaScript.
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Pages : 208
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Downloads: 370
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Mastering JavaScript High Performance

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