Symfony2 and HTTP Fundamentals

Symphony lets you develop faster and build more robust and efficient web site and application,it's important for every web developer.

This tutorial explains the fundamental concept and the basics of Symphony.

Selection of the best tutorials and free training courses to learn the Symfony framework for PHP. You will find the best educational methods for a pleasant and full training. If you want to jump to specific questions about the Symfony framework for PHP.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • The Fundamentals of Symphony2
  • Symfony2 and flat PHP
  • Installing and Configuring Symfony
  • Creating Pages in Symfony2
  • Creating and using Templates
  • Databases and Doctrine and Propel
  • Validation
  • Forms
  • Security
  • HTTP Cache
  • Translations
  • Service Container
  • Performance
  • Internals
  • API
Size : 2,424.61 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 327
Created: 2016-10-16

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