PHP Symfony framework course

This chapter begins by explaining the fundamental concept common to web development: HTTP. Regardless of your background or preferred programming language, this chapter is a must-read for everyone.

This course will allow you to understand the Symfony2 basics, the reference PHP framework. Why use a framework? How to create a new web site project with Symfony2, establish test and production environments, designing controllers, templates, manage translation and communicate with a database through Doctrine 2?

Table of contents

  • Symfony2 and HTTP Fundamentals
  • Symfony2 versus Flat PHP
  • Installing and Configuring Symfony
  • Creating Pages in Symfony2
  • Controller
  • Routing
  • Creating and using Templates
  • Databases and Doctrine
  • Databases and Propel
  • Testing
  • Validation
  • Forms
  • Security 
  • HTTP Cache
  • Translations
  • Service Container
  • Performance
  • Internals
  • The Symfony2 Stable API
  • Overview Symfony2
  • Manage the database with Doctrine2
  • The Symfony2 router
  • The controllers with Symfony2
  • The template engine Twig
  • Install a bundle with Composer
  • Services, theory and creation
Size : 2,424.61 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 905
Created: 2016-10-16

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