Getting started with PHP Symfony framework

This tutorial will give you the basics to learn well the overall operation of the Symfony framework for PHP. In this course you will learn , how to program a web application using the PHP symfony framework. It is intented to PHP developers who are familiar with object oriented programming.

You will learn everything you need to get started with a new symfony project. From the web server configuration, installation of symfony itself,to the creation of an application; at the end of the tutorial, you will be able to creat your own web application.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Symfony Installation
  • Initializing the Project Directory
  • Choosing the Symfony Version
  • Project Setup
  • Project Creation
  • Installation Verification
  • Configuring the Database
  • Application Creation
  • Web Server Configuration
Size : 400.11 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 986
Created: 2016-10-16

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