Lisp Web Tales

Download free course Lisp Web Tales, pdf file on 91 pages by Pavel Penev.
The book is a set of tutorials and examples. It uses the Common Lisp language and some of the libraries we'll be using for the examples and tutorials include:
- The hunchentoot web server
- The Restas web framework
- The SEXML library for outputting XML and HTML
- Closure-template for HTML templating
- Postmodern for PostgreSQL access, and cl-reddis as a simple datastore
- Various utilities

Table of contents

  • The basics
  • Setting up a project
  • HTML generation and templating
  • Putting it together: Updated blog example
  • Persistence part I: PostgreSQL
  • Persistence part II: The UI
  • Persistence part III: Redis
  • Modules as reusable components part I: restas-directory-publisher
  • Modules as reusable components part II: Implementing a reusable module
Pages : 91
Size : 1.3 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 135
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Pavel Penev
Lisp Web Tales

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