PHP Notes for Professionals

Download free course PHP Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 480 pages by Stack Overflow Community.
The PHP Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow.

Table of contents

  • Getting started with PHP
  • Variables
  • Variable Scope
  • Superglobal Variables PHP
  • Outputting the Value of a Variable
  • Constants
  • Magic Constants
  • Comments
  • Types
  • Operators
  • References
  • Arrays
  • Array iteration
  • Executing Upon an Array
  • Manipulating an Array
  • Processing Multiple Arrays Together
  • Datetime Class
  • Working with Dates and Time
  • Control Structures
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Functional Programming
  • Alternative Syntax for Control Structures
  • String formatting
  • String Parsing
  • Classes and Objects
  • Namespaces
  • Sessions
  • Cookies
  • Output Buffering
  • JSON
  • SOAP Client
  • Using cURL in PHP
  • Reflection
  • Dependency Injection
  • XML
  • SimpleXML
  • Parsing HTML
  • Regular Expressions (regexp/PCRE)
  • Traits
  • Composer Dependency Manager
  • Magic Methods
  • File handling
  • Streams
  • Type hinting
  • Filters & Filter Functions
  • Generators
  • UTF-8
  • Unicode Support in PHP
  • URLs
  • How to break down an URL
  • Object Serialization
  • Serialization
  • Closure
  • Reading Request Data
  • Type juggling and Non-Strict Comparison Issues
  • Sockets
  • PDO
  • PHP MySQLi
  • SQLite3
  • Using MongoDB
  • mongo-php
  • Using Redis with PHP
  • Sending Email
  • Using SQLSRV
  • Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Localization
  • Headers Manipulation
  • Coding Conventions
  • Asynchronous programming
  • How to Detect Client IP Address
  • Create PDF files in PHP
  • YAML in PHP
  • Image Processing with GD
  • Imagick
  • SOAP Server
  • Machine learning
  • Cache
  • Autoloading Primer
  • SPL data structures
  • IMAP
  • HTTP Authentication
  • WebSockets
  • BC Math (Binary Calculator)
  • Docker deployment
  • APCu
  • PHP Built in server
  • PSR
  • PHPDoc
  • Design Patterns
  • Compile PHP Extensions
  • Common Errors
  • Compilation of Errors and Warnings
  • Exception Handling and Error Reporting
  • Debugging
  • Unit Testing
  • Performance
  • Multiprocessing
  • Multi Threading Extension
  • Secure Remeber Me
  • Security
  • Cryptography
  • Password Hashing Functions
  • Contributing to the PHP Manual
  • Contributing to the PHP Core
  • Installing a PHP environment on Windows
  • Installing on Linux/Unix Environments
Pages : 480
Size : 3.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 289
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): Stack Overflow Community
PHP Notes for Professionals

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