HTML5 in Action

HTML5 is not a few new tags and features added to an old standard - it's the foundation of the modern web, enabling its interactive services, single-page UI, interactive games, and complex business applications. With support for standards-driven mobile app development, powerful features like local storage and WebSockets, superb audio and video APIs, and new layout options using CSS3, SVG, and Canvas, HTML5 has entered its prime time.

This book provides a complete introduction to web development using HTML5. You'll explore every aspect of the HTML5 specification through real-world examples and code samples. It's much more than just a specification reference, though. It lives up to the name HTML5 in Action by giving you the practical, hands-on guidance you'll need to use key features.

Pages : 466 pages
Size : HTML
File type : pdf
Downloads: 237
Created: 2020-08-29
License: Free to read online (entire book) by the publisher.
Author(s): Rob Crowther, Joe Lennon, Ash Blue, and Greg Wanish
HTML5 in Action

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