Get started with HTML5

This is a free HTML5 PDF tutorial in 10 chapters and 28 pages. This course aims to give students the basics of HTML5 concepts.

The aim of this guide is not to teach you the entirety of HTML5. That would be entirely out of the scope of this book.
The aim is to provide a gentle introduction to these amazing new web technologies, and to show you some cool ways of incorporating them into your websites.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Text Editors For Web Development
  • Semantic Markup
  • Section
  • Article
  • Aside
  • Header
  • Nav
  • Footer
  • Test Yourself
  • Forms
  • Improving a Form
  • Input Types and Patterns
  • Test Yourself
  • Media
  • How HTML5 Makes Video and Audio Awesome
  • All About Codecs
  • Starting With Video
  • Adding Audio
  • Test Yourself
  • CSS3 Transformations And Animations
  • CSS Hover Effects
  • Using CSS3 To Resize Images
  • Test Yourself
  • Just Enough Javascript
  • Accessing The Console
  • Your First Program
  • Variables In JavaScript
  • What Functions Do
Size : 1.35 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1679
Created: 2019-05-03

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