Free PDF tutorial to download intituled JavaScript: A Crash Course intended to beginners.
Course in 28 pages created by well known author and developer.
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Created: | 2022-07-17 |
A computer tutorial in PDF about JavaScript is a document that provides information and guidance on the programming language JavaScript. It covers the basics of JavaScript syntax, data types, variables, control structures, functions, arrays, objects, and more advanced concepts like events, DOM manipulation, and asynchronous programming. The tutorial is presented in the Portable Document Format (PDF), which is a widely used and accessible format for electronic documents. It can be read on most computer devices and is a convenient way to learn and reference JavaScript programming.
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language used to create dynamic and interactive web content. It was first introduced in 1995 and has since become one of the most widely used programming languages for web development. JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages, such as form validation, creating pop-ups, and updating content without the need for a page refresh. It can also be used for server-side programming with technologies like Node.js. JavaScript is an object-oriented language and supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (procedural) programming styles.
A "JavaScript crash course in PDF" is a comprehensive yet concise tutorial on the programming language JavaScript, designed to give its readers a quick overview of the language and its fundamental concepts. The tutorial is presented in PDF format and is intended for individuals who have little or no prior experience with programming and want to get started with JavaScript quickly. The crash course covers the basics of the language, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, and arrays. It also provides practical examples and exercises to reinforce the concepts learned. The goal of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript programming, allowing its readers to become proficient in a short amount of time.
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