JavaScript tutorial for professionals

Download free JavaScript tutorial course in PDF, training file in 106 chapters and 490 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with JavaScript
  • Using consolelog()
  • Using the DOM API
  • Using windowalert()
  • Using windowprompt()
  • Using windowcon?rm()
  • Using the DOM API (with graphical text: Canvas, SVG, or image ?le)
  • JavaScript Variables
  • De?ning a Variable
  • Using a Variable
  • Types of Variables
  • Arrays and Objects
  • Built-in Constants
  • null
  • Testing for NaN using isNaN()
  • NaN
  • unde?ned and null
  • In?nity and -In?nity
  • Number constants
  • Operations that return NaN
  • Math library functions that return NaN
  • Comments
  • Using Comments
  • Using HTML comments in JavaScript (Bad practice)
  • Console
  • Measuring time - consoletime()
  • Formatting console output
  • Printing to a browser's debugging console
  • Including a stack trace when logging - consoletrace()
  • Tabulating values - consoletable()
  • Counting - consolecount()
  • Clearing the console - consoleclear()
  • Displaying objects and XML interactively - consoledir(), consoledirxml()
  • Debugging with assertions - consoleassert()
  • Datatypes in JavaScript
  • typeof
  • Finding an object's class
  • Getting object type by constructor name
  • Strings
  • Basic Info and String Concatenation
  • Reverse String
  • Comparing Strings Lexicographically
  • Access character at index in string
  • Escaping quotes
  • Word Counter
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Comments
  • Datatypes in JavaScript
  • Date
  • Comparison Operations
  • Arrays
  • Arithmetic (Math)
  • Constructor functions
  • Loops
  • Functional JavaScript
  • Classes
  • Context (this)
  • Events
  • Method Chaining
  • Intervals and Timeouts
  • Cookies
  • Data attributes
  • AJAX
  • Map
  • Unary Operators
  • Promises
  • Modals - Prompts
  • History
  • BOM (Browser Object Model)
  • Strict mode
  • Data Manipulation
  • Template Literals
  • Scope
  • Screen
  • Destructuring assignment
  • Arrow Functions
  • Workers
  • requestAnimationFrame
  • Creational Design Patterns
  • Detecting browser
  • Symbols
  • Transpiling
  • Automatic Semicolon Insertion - ASI
  • Localization
  • Geolocation
  • IndexedDB
  • Modularization Techniques
  • Proxy
  • .postMessage() and MessageEvent
  • WeakMap
  • WeakSet
  • Escape Sequences
  • Behavioral Design Patterns
  • Server-sent events
  • Async functions (async/await)
  • Async Iterators
  • How to make iterator usable inside async callback function
  • Tail Call Optimization
  • Bitwise Operators - Real World Examples (snippets)
  • Tilde ~
  • Using JavaScript to get/set CSS custom variables
  • Selection API
  • File API, Blobs and FileReaders
  • Notifications API
  • Vibration API
  • Battery Status API
  • Fluent API
  • Web Cryptography API
  • Security issues
  • Same Origin Policy & Cross-Origin Communication
  • Error Handling
  • Global error handling in browsers
  • Debugging
  • Unit Testing JavaScript
  • Evaluating JavaScript
  • Linters - Ensuring code quality
  • Anti-patterns
  • Performance Tips
  • Memory efficiency
  • Reserved Keywords

It is a free JavaScript ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many JavaScript developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 4.09 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 3132
Created: 2019-04-30

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