Drupal 7 Views Cookbook

Fully revised and updated for 2016, Drupal 7 Views Cookbook allows you to bypass most of the Views' learning curve and quickly take advantage of the capabilities of the Views module to select and present your Drupal content through step-by-step instructions for quickly developing dozens of useful views. Starting with a brief introduction to Views, Drupal 7 Views Cookbook takes you through recipes for elementary views, such as displaying randomly selected content, to intermediate views, such as customizing links, to advanced views providing multiple interacting displaysof content on the same page. Along the way, there are recipes for theming views, creating a view in your code, creating a custom view handler, administering views, and finally, using some other modules related to the Views module. Most recipes are standalone, so pick them in any order! Don't limit your site with dull presentation of content in last-in-first-out order. Empower your site visitors with the recipes that Drupal 7 Views Cookbook delivers!
Download free tutorial in PDF (218 pages) created by Ayen Green .
Pages : 218
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File type : PDF
Downloads: 134
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Ayen Green
Drupal 7 Views Cookbook

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