Introduction to web development with Python and Django

Django was created in 2003 in a news agency, Lawrence Journal-World, which was to develop complete websites in very short time (hence the idea of the framework). In 2005, this agency decided to offer Django to the general public, deeming it mature enough to be reused anywhere. Three years later, the foundation Django Software is created by the founders of the framework in order to be able to maintain this one and the very active community which surrounds it.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Http and the Request / Response cycle
  • The Client Server Architecture
  • Exercise
  • Take Away 
  • Setup
  • Project folder
  • Installing Django
  • Creating Django project
  • Creating the Database
  • Inspecting the Database
  • Running the server
  • Creating & installing the Blog App
  • Creating Web Services
  • website/
  • GET parameters
  • Exercises 
Size : 320.34 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1929
Created: 2018-04-01
Introduction to web development with Python and Django

This PDF course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of Python programming and web development using Django. The course begins with an introduction to the basics of Python programming and how it is used in web development. It then covers the fundamentals of HTTP and the request/response cycle, followed by an explanation of the client-server architecture. With exercises and real-life examples, learners get to put their newfound knowledge into practice. The course also includes a section on setting up the project folder, installing Django, creating a Django project, and creating the database. Additionally, learners get to inspect the database and run the server. The course concludes with a section on creating and installing the Blog App, creating web services, and working with GET parameters. With this Python PDF course, learners get to take their first steps in Python programming and become proficient in building web applications using Django.

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