Download Django tutorial in PDF

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Django
  • Remarks
  • Versions
  • Examples
  • Starting a Project
  • Django Concepts
  • A complete hello world example.
  • Virtual Environment
  • Python 3.3+
  • Python 2
  • Activate (any version)
  • Alternatively: use virtualenvwrapper
  • Alternatively: use pyenv + pyenv-viritualenv
  • Set your Project Path
  • Single File Hello World Example
  • Deployment friendly Project with Docker support.
  • Project Structure
  • Dockerfile
  • Compose
  • Nginx
  • Usage
  • Administration
  • Examples
  • Change list
  • Additional CSS styles and JS scripts for admin page
  • Dealing with foreign keys referencing large tables
  • Administration
  • Async Tasks (Celery)
  • Class based views
  • Continuous Integration With Jenkins
  • Custom Managers and Querysets
  • Database Setup
  • Debugging
  • Django and Social Networks
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Extending or Substituting User Model
  • Form Widgets
  • Formsets
  • How to reset django migrations
  • Internationalization
  • Logging
  • Many-to-many relationships
  • Meta: Documentation Guidelines
  • Migrations
  • Model Field Reference
  • Project Structure
  • RangeFields - a group of PostgreSQL specific fields
  • Security
  • Signals
  • Templating
  • Unit Testing
  • Using Redis with Django - Caching Backend

It is a free Django ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Django developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 1.67MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 3075
Created: 2019-05-02

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