Reverse Engineering for Beginners

Download free ebook about Reverse Engineering for Beginners. A PDF tutorial on 942 pages by Dennis Yurichev.

When the author of this book first started learning C and, later, C++, he used to write small pieces of code, compile them, and then look at the assembly language output. This made it very easy for him to understand what was going on in the code that he had written. He did it so many times that the relationship between the C/C++ code and what the compiler produced was imprinted deeply in his mind. It’s easy to imagine instantly a rough outline of C code’s appearance and function. Perhaps this technique could be helpful for others.

Table of contents

  • A short introduction to the CPU
  • The simplest Function
  • Non-optimizing Keil 6/2013 (ARM mode)
  • Non-optimizing Keil 6/2013 (Thumb mode)
  • Optimizing Xcode 4.6.3 (LLVM) (ARM mode)
  • Role of the stack frame in this example
  • Optimizing GCC: load it into GDB
  • Code patterns
  • Important fundamentals
  • Slightly more advanced examples
  • Java
  • Finding important/interesting stuff in the code
  • OS-specific
  • Tools
  • Examples of real-world RE
  • tasks
  • Examples of reversing proprietary file formats
  • Other things
  • Books/blogs worth reading
Size : 7099.525 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 2432
Created: 2019-06-07
Reverse Engineering for Beginners

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