A Python Book: Beginning Python, Advanced Python, and Python Exercises

This document is a selflearning document for a course in Python programming.
This course contains a part for beginners, a discussion of several advanced topics that are of interest to Python programmers, and a Python workbook with lots of exercises.


  • Introduction Python
  • Beginning Python
  • Names and Tokens
  • Blocks and Indentation
  • Doc Strings
  • Operators
  • Strings
  • How to use sequences
  • import statement
  • assert statement
  • global statement
  • Functions
  • A basic function
  • A function with default arguments
  • Argument lists and keyword argument lists
  • Modules
  • Packages
  • Acknowledgements and Thanks
  • Regular Expressions
  • Defining regular expressions
  • Compiling regular expressions
  • Using regular expressions
  • Unit Tests
  • Defining unit tests
  • Create a test class
  • Extending and embedding Python
  • Special purpose parsers
  • Writing a recursive descent parser by hand
  • Creating a lexer/tokenizer with Plex
  • A survey of existing tools
  • Implementing Packages
  • Using Packages
  • Distributing and Installing Packages
  • End Matter
  • Numbers
  • Literal representations of numbers
  • Operators for numbers
  • Methods on numbers
  • Lists
  • Literal representation of dictionaries
  • Operators on dictionaries
  • Methods on dictionaries
  • Files
  • Exceptions and the try:except: and raise statements
  • Functions
  • Optional arguments and default values
  • Objectoriented
  • Pogramming and classes
  • Stacked decorators
  • More help with decorators
  • Step generate
  • The bindings
  • Add applicationspecific code
  • the test application
  • Python hints
Pages : 214 Pages
Size : PDF
File type : pdf
Downloads: 393
Created: 2020-08-27
License: Open Source MIT License
Author(s): Dave Kuhlman

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