The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook

Download free course The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook, pdf file on 70 pages by Flavio Copes.
The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook follows the 80/20 rule: learn in 20% of the time the 80% of a topic. The author find this approach gives a well-rounded overview.

This book does not try to cover everything under the sun related to JavaScript. It focuses on the core of the language, trying to simplify the more complex topics. The author hopes the contents of this book will help you achieve what you want: learn the basics of JavaScript.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • History
  • Just JavaScript
  • Syntax
  • Semicolons
  • Values
  • Variables
  • Types
  • Expressions
  • Operators
  • Precedence
  • Comparisons
  • Conditionals
  • Strings
  • Arrays
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Arrow Functions
  • Objects
  • Object properties
  • Object methods
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Asynchonous Programming and Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Async and Await
  • Variables scope
Pages : 70
Size : 0.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 372
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Flavio Copes
The JavaScript Beginner's Handbook

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