Search Engine Optimization pdf course

A quick-start checklist highlighting the most important aspects of search engine optimization and Internet marketing.

This guide should help you to improve your ranking in search engine,learn how to customize your site for SEO and save both time and money.

Table of Contents

  • SEO Tools
  • How to choose a good Domain Name
  • Domain Registration and Hosting
  • Page description
  • Keyword Selection
  • Home Page Optimization
  • Site Optimization
  • Link Building
  • Common SEO Abuse Techniques
  • Appearing Natural
  • SEO as a Standalone Product
  • The Social Elements of Relevancy
  • Interactive Elements
  • Finding Prospects
  • The Goal of Search Engines and How They Work
  • Hosting
  • Changing Your Site
  • Copy-writing
  • Usability
  • Generating Revenue
  • The major search engines
  • Google,Yahoo,Microsoft
  • Exchanging links
  • Customizing your site for SEO
  • SEO worst practice manual
  • Google AdWords
  • Niche SEO

Learn how to optimize your portal in order to be in the first place in the search engine results.

  • This course explains the S.E.O parameters  of AdWords campaigns.
  • Training to improve your SEO web
  • The Web SEO training will optimize the position of your site in the results of search engines.
  • Highlight your site to the millions of portals that exist on the web.
  • Learn some SEO tips and tricks, optimize editing, creating links and giving your site the first place.
Size : 2,557.10 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 480
Created: 2016-08-23

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