The Big Data Agenda

Download free course The Big Data Agenda, pdf file on 156 pages by Annika Richterich.
This book highlights that the capacity for gathering, analysing, and utilising vast amounts of digital (user) data raises significant ethical issues. Annika Richterich provides a systematic contemporary overview of the field of critical data studies that reflects on practices of digital data collection and analysis. The book assesses in detail one big data research area: biomedical studies, focused on epidemiological surveillance. Specific case studies explore how big data have been used in academic work.

The Big Data Agenda concludes that the use of big data in research urgently needs to be considered from the vantage point of ethics and social justice. Drawing upon discourse ethics and critical data studies, Richterich argues that entanglements between big data research and technology / internet corporations have emerged. In consequence, more opportunities for discussing and negotiating emerging research practices and their implications for societal values are needed.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Examining (Big) Data Practices and Ethics
  • Big Data: Ethical Debates
  • Big Data in Biomedical Research
  • Big Data-Driven Health Surveillance
  • Emerging (Inter-)Dependencies and their Implications
Pages : 156
Size : 7.9 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 55
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Author(s): Annika Richterich
The Big Data Agenda

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