Case Studies in Infrastructure Change Management

Download free course Case Studies in Infrastructure Change Management, pdf file on 40 pages by by Wendy Look, Mark Dallman.
The Infrastructure Change Management (ICM) program at Google drives migrations, deprecations, and other large-scale infrastructure changes. Case studies in this book explore how infrastructure change projects are managed at Google. From these case studies, we'll provide insight into lessons learned from these different approaches, and provide an overview of techniques, processes, and tools that worked (or didn't work).

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Case Study 1: Moonshot
  • Case Study 2: Diskless
  • Preflight Checklist
  • Conclusion
Pages : 40
Size : 2.3 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 59
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY
Author(s): by Wendy Look, Mark Dallman
Case Studies in Infrastructure Change Management

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