Download free course Learning Node.js, pdf file on 414 pages by Stack Overflow Community.
Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client, as well as on server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching. It is open-source and cross-platform. Node.js applications are written in pure JavaScript and can be run within Node.js environment on Windows, Linux etc.
It is an unofficial and free Node.js book created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack Overflow.
Table of contentsGetting started with Node.js
Arduino communication with nodeJs
Asynchronous programming
Autoreload on changes
Avoid callback hell
Bluebird Promises
Callback to Promise
Cassandra Integration
Client-server communication
Cluster Module
Connect to Mongodb
Creating a Node.js Library that Supports Both Promises and Error-First Callbacks
Creating API's with Node.js
csv parser in node js
Database (MongoDB with Mongoose)
Debugging Node.js application
Deliver HTML or any other sort of file
Dependency Injection
Deploying Node.js application without downtime.
Deploying Node.js applications in production
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) with Node.js
Event Emitters
Exception handling
Executing files or commands with Child Processes
Exporting and Consuming Modules
Exporting and Importing Module in node.js
File upload
Filesystem I/O
Getting started with Nodes profiling
Good coding style
Graceful Shutdown
Handling POST request in Node.js
How modules are loaded
Installing Node.js
Interacting with Console
Keep a node application constantly running
Koa Framework v2
Loopback - REST Based connector
Mongodb integration
MongoDB Integration for Node.js/Express.js
Mongoose Library
MSSQL Intergration
Mysql Connection Pool
MySQL integration
Node JS Localization
Node server without framework
Node.js (express.js) with angular.js Sample code
Node.JS and MongoDB.
Node.js Architecture & Inner Workings
Node.js code for STDIN and STDOUT without using any library
Node.js Design Fundamental
Node.js Error Management
Node.js Performance
Node.js v6 New Features and Improvement
Node.js with CORS
Node.JS with ES6
Node.js with Oracle
NodeJS Beginner Guide
NodeJS Frameworks
Nodejs History
NodeJs Routing
NodeJS with Redis
nvm - Node Version Manager
OAuth 2.0
Parsing command line arguments
Passport integration
Performance challenges
PostgreSQL integration
Project Structure
Push notifications
Remote Debugging in Node.JS
Restful API Design: Best Practices
Route-Controller-Service structure for ExpressJS
Routing ajax requests with Express.JS
Running node.js as a service
Securing Node.js applications
Send Web Notification
Sending a file stream to client
Simple REST based CRUD API communication
Synchronous vs Asynchronous programming in nodejs
TCP Sockets
Template frameworks
Uninstalling Node.js
Unit testing frameworks
Use Cases of Node.js
Using Browserfiy to resolve 'required' error with browsers
Using IISNode to host Node.js Web Apps in IIS
Using Streams
Using WebSocket's with Node.JS
Web Apps With Express
Windows authentication under node.js
Yarn Package Manager
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