Energy Efficient Servers

Download free course Energy Efficient Servers, pdf file on 347 pages by Corey Gough, Ian Steiner, Winston Saunders.
Energy Efficient Servers: Blueprints for Data Center Optimization introduces engineers and IT professionals to the power management technologies and techniques used in energy efficient servers. The book includes a deep examination of different features used in processors, memory, interconnects, I/O devices, and other platform components. It outlines the power and performance impact of these features and the role firmware and software play in initialization and control. Using examples from cloud, HPC, and enterprise environments, the book demonstrates how various power management technologies are utilized across a range of server utilization. It teaches the reader how to monitor, analyze, and optimize their environment to best suit their needs. It shares optimization techniques used by data center administrators and system optimization experts at the world's most advanced data centers.

Table of contents

  • Why Data Center Efficiency Matters
  • CPU Power Management
  • Memory and I/O Power Management
  • Platform Power Management
  • BIOS and Management Firmware
  • Operating Systems
  • Monitoring
  • Characterization and Optimization
  • Data Center Management
  • Technology and Terms
Pages : 347
Size : 7.1 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 47
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Author(s): Corey Gough, Ian Steiner, Winston Saunders
Energy Efficient Servers

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