Thinking Forth: A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems

Thinking Forth is a book about the philosophy of problem solving and programming style, applied to the unique programming language Forth. Published first in 1984, it could be among the timeless classics of computer books, such as Fred Brooks' The Mythical Man-Month and Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming.

Many software engineering principles discussed here have been rediscovered in eXtreme Programming, including (re)factoring, modularity, bottom-up and incremental design. Here you'll find all of those and more, such as the value of analysis and design, described in Leo Brodie's down-to-earth, humorous style, with illustrations, code examples, practical real life applications, illustrative cartoons, and interviews with Forth's inventor, Charles H. Moore as well as other Forth thinkers.

Pages : 316 pages
Size : PDF files
File type : pdf
Downloads: 21
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Author(s): Leo Brodie
Thinking Forth: A Language and Philosophy for Solving Problems

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