Medical Imaging Systems

Download free course Medical Imaging Systems, pdf file on 263 pages by Andreas Maier, Stefan Steidl, Vincent Christlein, Joachim Hornegger.
This book gives a complete and comprehensive introduction to the fields of medical imaging systems, as designed for a broad range of applications. The authors of the book first explain the foundations of system theory and image processing, before highlighting several modalities in a dedicated chapter. The initial focus is on modalities that are closely related to traditional camera systems such as endoscopy and microscopy. This is followed by more complex image formation processes: magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray projection imaging, computed tomography, X-ray phase-contrast imaging, nuclear imaging, ultrasound, and optical coherence tomography.

Table of contents

Pages : 263
Size : 48.4 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 71
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY
Author(s): Andreas Maier, Stefan Steidl, Vincent Christlein, Joachim Hornegger
Medical Imaging Systems

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