The Complete FreeBSD: Documentation from the Source

The Complete FreeBSD is an eminently practical guidebook that explains not only how to get a computer up and running with the FreeBSD operating system, but also how to turn it into a highly functional and secure server that can host large numbers of users and disks, support remote access, and provide web service, mail service, and other key parts of the Internet infrastructure.

The book provides in-depth information on installation and updates, back-ups, printers, RAID, various Internet services, firewalls, the graphical X Window system, and much more. Author Greg Lehey is a member of the FreeBSD core team and has been developing, documenting, and advocating for FreeBSD for nearly ten years. Whether you're an experienced Unix® user or just interested in learning more about this free operating system and how you can put it to work for you, this do-it-yourself BSD documentation will provide the information you need.

Pages : : 720 pages
Size : : PostScript, PDF
File type : pdf
Downloads: 20
Created: 2020-08-30
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license
Author(s): Greg Lehey
The Complete FreeBSD: Documentation from the Source

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