SAT/SMT by Example

Download free course SAT/SMT by Example, pdf file on 585 pages by Dennis Yurichev.
SAT/SMT solvers can be viewed as solvers of huge systems of equations. The difference is that SMT solvers takes systems in arbitrary format, while SAT solvers are limited to boolean equations in CNF 1 form. A lot of real world problems can be represented as problems of solving system of equations.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Basics
  • Equations
  • Proofs
  • Verification
  • Regular expressions
  • Gray code
  • Recreational mathematics and puzzles
  • Graph coloring
  • Knapsack problems
  • Social Golfer Problem
  • Latin squares
  • Cyclic redundancy check
  • MaxSAT/MaxSMT
  • Synthesis
  • Toy decompiler
  • Symbolic execution
  • KLEE
  • (Amateur) cryptography
  • First-Order Logic
  • Cellular automata
  • Everything else
  • Toy-level solvers
  • Glossary (SAT)
  • Further reading
  • Some applications
  • Acronyms used
Pages : 585
Size : 6.1 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 57
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Dennis Yurichev
SAT/SMT by Example

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