Robotic Process Automation Succinctly

Download free course Robotic Process Automation Succinctly, pdf file on 94 pages by Ed Freitas.
Around the world, organizations are facing the challenge of becoming more efficient by increasing productivity with their existing resources - or sometimes even less. Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology that can augment the productivity of human workers by liberating them from tedious and repetitive tasks that can be performed faster and with more accuracy by a computer. In Robotic Process Automation Succinctly, author Ed Freitas will show readers how to use nonproprietary and open-source software to write RPA scripts using Python and some RPA techniques to automate some common and repetitive business tasks.

Table of contents

  • RPA Fundamentals
  • Accessing Files and Folders
  • File Operations
  • Backup Script
  • Assisted Data Entry Automation
  • My Python 2.7 Backup Script
Pages : 94
Size : 2.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 81
Created: 2022-02-03
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Ed Freitas
Robotic Process Automation Succinctly

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