How to use computer for beginners

In this tutorial you will find a basic introduction to different computer section :

  • Types of computers and how to switch them on.
  • Mouse and how you use it to control your computer.
  • How to turn your computer on.

Table of contents

  • Switching on your computer
  • Using a mouse
  • What a mouse is for
  • How to hold a mouse
  • How to use a mouse to select, open and move items
  • on your computer
  • Desktop and icons
  • What you will find on your desktop
  • Where to find your start button, taskbar, menu bar and toolbar
  • How to move between windows
  • How to hide a window, make a window bigger and close a window
  • Using a keyboard
  • What a keyboard looks like
  • What the different keys do and how to use them
  • Using the internet
  • What the internet is ?
  • Understanding how the internet works
  • Using a web browser
  • Browsing the internet 
  • Searching the internet
  • Why use a search engine
  • Opening and using a search engine
  • Making your search better
  • Staying safe online
  • Software that keeps your information safe on your computer
  • How to recognise and prevent suspicious emails
  • How to create strong passwords for use on websites
  • How to shop safely on the internet
  • Where else to go for more information
  • Using email
  • Sending and receiving email
  • Further help for beginners
  • A glossary of useful terms
  • Know the basics? Want to learn more?
Size : 2,979.37 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 8447
Created: 2016-10-23
How to use computer for beginners

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