Raspberry Pi Projects Book, Volume 5

The Raspberry Pi is loved the world over by educators and makers thanks to its tiny size and endless possibilities. Find out why it's loved and how to use it with the latest official Projects Book - we've managed to stuff the fifth edition with another 200 pages of inspiring projects, practical tutorials, and definitive reviews. Learn all about the latest model: Raspberry Pi 4; Get involved with the amazing Raspberry Pi community; Be inspired by incredible projects made by other people; Learn how to make with your Raspberry Pi with our help; Find out about the top kits and accessories for your Pi projects; And much, much more!
Download free tutorial in PDF (200 pages) created by Wes Archer .
Pages : 200
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Downloads: 202
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Wes Archer
Raspberry Pi Projects Book, Volume 5

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