Embedded Firmware Solutions

Download free course Embedded Firmware Solutions, pdf file on 215 pages by Jiming Sun, Marc Jones, Stefan Reinauer, Vincent Zimmer.
Embedded Firmware Solutions is the perfect introduction and daily-use field guide - for the thousands of firmware designers, hardware engineers, architects, managers, and developers--to Intel's new firmware direction (including Quark coverage), showing how to integrate Intel® Architecture designs into their plans.

Featuring hands-on examples and exercises using Open Source codebases, like Coreboot and EFI Development Kit (tianocore) and Chromebook, this is the first book that combines a timely and thorough overview of firmware solutions for the rapidly evolving embedded ecosystem with in-depth coverage of requirements and optimization.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Firmware Stacks for Embedded Systems
  • Intel irmware Support Package (Intel FSP)
  • Building coreboot with Intel FSP
  • Chrome book Firmware Internals
  • Intel FSP and UEFI Integration
  • Building Firmware for Quark Processors
  • Putting It All Together
  • Sample Boot Setting File (BSF)
Pages : 215
Size : 5.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 32
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Author(s): Jiming Sun, Marc Jones, Stefan Reinauer, Vincent Zimmer
Embedded Firmware Solutions

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