Everything Is Distributed

Download free course Everything Is Distributed, pdf file on 38 pages by Courtney Nash, Mike Loukides.
Software development has reached a point where no single developer can understand, see, or control all the component parts, whether it's technical or organizational. The Web is now the computer and it's forced even the simplest applications to become distributed.

Through five thought provoking essays, you'll discover the whys and hows of this new frontier and learn what it means for developers, operations engineers, project managers, and others connected to the business of software.

The essays include: Everything Is Distributed: What happens when part of the system you don't control fails? Beyond the Stack: DevOps is not just about the tools, but the tools in the new Distributed Developers Stack play a vital role; Revisiting DevOps: What's the difference between top-down management and promise theory? Performance Is User Experience: Discover why a fast website is more than just a technology challenge; From the Network Interface to the Database: Learn how O'Reilly's Velocity conference has expanded its scope.

Table of contents

  • Everything Is Distributed
  • Beyond the Stack
  • Revisiting DevOps
  • Performance Is User Experience
  • From the Network Interface to the Database
Pages : 38
Size : 4.7 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 63
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY
Author(s): Courtney Nash, Mike Loukides
Everything Is Distributed

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