GTK+/Gnome Application Development

Part of the open-source initiative, the GNU Network Object Model Environment, or Gnome, provides a powerful development framework for building applications in Linux/Unix using C. When combined with GTK+, a user interface library that simplifies graphics programming, you have a nearly unbeatable combination, one that is growing in popularity with developers for building leading-edge interfaces in Linux. GTK+/Gnome Application Development provides a handy reference to these two important packages. Clearly presented, this book is a fine resource for any Linux/Unix C programmer who wants to use these two toolkits.

This title is for the reader who is conversant with the C programming language and UNIX/Linux development. It provides detailed and solution-oriented information designed to meet the needs of programmers and application developers using the GTK+/Gnome libraries. Coverage complements existing GTK+/Gnome documentation, going into more depth on pivotal issues such as uncovering the GTK+ object system, working with the event loop, managing the Gdk substrate, writing custom widgets, and mstering GnomeCanvas.

Pages : /Paperback: 528 pages
Size : : PDF (414 page, 2.7 MB)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 45
Created: 2020-08-29
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Havoc Pennington
GTK+/Gnome Application Development

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